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Edge out rivals? No! Firefox boss BLASTS Microsoft's Windows 10 browser brouhaha

Hit Snooze

"Time for the EU to have a polite word with MS? The more I hear about Windows 10 the more glad I am that I'll be waiting to install it."

This is what is wrong with so many people in IT nowadays - believing everything they read on the internet about technology without ever trying it! Sure, you have to rely on reviews for big purchases, but believing a competitor's comments or a journalist's review for something in Windows 10?

A review is like one side of a breakup, it is not the actual truth, and requires a large intake of salt while reading it. The author will leave out facts and use opinions to spin their story on whatever features or concerns they come up with.

As many people pointed out above, if you use the custom installation then you can keep all default settings. Not a big issue.

Note: I am not a fanboi of any OS, browser, hardware/software, etc, I use use what works best for the situation.

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