Reply to post: Re: And there's more!

Edge out rivals? No! Firefox boss BLASTS Microsoft's Windows 10 browser brouhaha

Lee D Silver badge

Re: And there's more!

Again, I'm not condoning this, but so does Apple.

Check out Apple Caching. You put it on any Apple servers in your enterprise and it will AUTOMATICALLY make all clients updating from your IP update from that Apple server instead. That server will download and cache updates, apps, and even purchases so that your clients don't have to go out to the net to download them.

Bloody dangerous in my opinion but - from the client side - there is NO WAY to turn it off. If your Apple device updates on a network, and Apple sees a Caching server sitting on the same IP, it will tell your devices to use the Caching server locally. I'm sure there's all kinds of certificate verification and whatnot, but it just sounds like a bad idea to me.

But it's been then since at least OS X's release, I believe.

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