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Ballmer's billion-dollar blunders: When he gambled Microsoft's money and lost


"During his time in Redmond, Ballmer oversaw numerous projects and initiatives. Many succeeded. He preserved Windows' position as the dominant desktop operating system."

It felt more like the competition were unable to capitalise on windows falling reputation. I used several Linux distros during this period. they failed to be replacements for windows inasmuch that you didn't have to go very far and the the command line reared it's ugly head. The killer blow, the range of software was incomplete. The inertia of commerce deeply entrenched in windows technology was a further factor. Neither in the control of Balmer.

Microsoft Seems unsure who it's allies are .In Balmer's time it sided with big media against the consumer, whilst asking the consumer to pay the bills. reduction in media capabilities in windows 10 suggests this confusion still reigns.

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