Reply to post: Re: From one mistake to another...@Pascal

We put Windows 10 on a small fondleslab: STILL not ready, 3 days to go

Sandtitz Silver badge

Re: From one mistake to another...@Pascal

Windows 1 0 does not bring any useful security items to the table

What security items are you missing?

enforces radical change in my habits

Start menu is different, though less so than Win8 Start screen. What else?

ties me to the effin' Cloud which I do NOT accept

No, it doesn't. You don't have to use any part of Microsoft's effin' Cloud.

expects me to rent my applications

WTF? How does the OS force you to rent your applications? Please explain in detail.

and forces a godawful Store on me that I have not had to cope with since I started my computing experience in 1986.

Don't fucking use the Store then. Happy? My Win8 laptop has the Store and I haven't bothered with it at all.

I'm coping with the app store on my smart phone, and my computing experience goes way beyong yours.

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