Reply to post: Hogwash yourself.

Don't touch this! Seven types of open source to dance away from

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Hogwash yourself.

Any GPL licensed project that is sponsored by a company is simply a way for companies to make money off of free software development. The users rights are not considered in the equation.

The company may consider them or not consider them as much or little as it wants, but the users' rights don't come from the company, they come from the GPL, and as such are guaranteed and legally enforceable.

The GPL ensures that nobody can take the software and innovate it and gain a competitive advantage

Those who complain that they can't just expropriate and enclosure the work of others for their own personal gain without any quid pro quo are generally engaged in special pleading rather than any principled stand in defence of "users' rights" - which I notice you carefully failed to define.

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