Reply to post: Re: All entities should be held accountable

Crazy Chrysler security hole: USB stick fix incoming for 1.4 million cars

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: All entities should be held accountable

Those who hacked the cars should go to prison for a minimum of 10 years and be fined treble damages plus all cost of prosecution and incarceration.

You are so very wrong. For every honest team of researchers who publish in order to get the hole closed, you can bet there's a bunch of other teams doing the same things but keeping quiet about it and adding to their capabilities. Military, espionage, lulz, blackmail, whatever.

This flaw -as someone a couple of comments down pointed out- be used as a WMD if you could hit every car of the same model at the same time: Steering 3 degrees left; accelerate hard; disable brakes. That'd probably tie up emergency services country-wide for at least a few hours. Ideal if you're planning a military invasion and want to keep the enemy busy and distracted. Or arsehats like ISIS would do it for the atrocity value alone...way more effective than a suicide bomber.

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