Reply to post: makes total pig's ear of attempt to legalise home CD ripping

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Personally, I think a levy on format shifting is bollocks. Either make it legal to do it, or leave it up to the vendor to define the contract. Government should have not wasted money avoiding the EU law, and left the existing law on the books and amended it to say "But, you know, we don't really care if you do, because we actually don't believe there's really any significant harm done. But, no, that does not mean you can buy an old, damaged CD from a car boot and then download a copy off the Internet because you've "bought it already". And no, it doesn't mean you can take a copy from a friend because you might buy it later. And no, of course it doesn't mean you can copy it off a stream. You bloody know what we mean. No excuses about evil corporations or buts and buy-it-later."

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