Reply to post: I'd love to see

Ant-Man: Big ideas, small payoff


I'd love to see

Mills and O'Neill's Marshall Law clean out the whole Augean stables of superhero crap. Law doesn't have super powers, except extreme hate of underpants over tights lunatics, which they all were in the comics (Law and what it was reacting to, Mills and O'Neill clearly hated US superhero comics, and I thoroughly concur, although I have a few collections to enjoy the stupidity, and in the cases of Djikstra and Kirby, the art).

I loved the anti-superhero trend, Accident Man was also brilliant, an amoral creep with class and a sarcastic tone who set up 'accidents' for money. He'd be a great one to make 'accidents' for a 'superhero' or two.

Judge Dredd would do a good job of collecting them and throwing them into the perp tanks.

People saw Miller's take on Batman as being in similar territory, but of course, it was not, people perceived irony, but he was expressing his own real views. Not that I think his work is without value.

He is I suppose most responsible for the 'edginess' of Marvel and DC offerings since, not that I have ever been a fan of those, we used to have import shops for them (amecomi), the number of frames per issue made it clear that it was just an exploitative joke. I would only ever buy collections.

I haven't seen any of the movies since the first Fantastic Four, at home, the only good point in that was Jessica Alba in her underwear, and that exploitation was hardly a good point in the artistic sense.

Once saw the seventies Spiderman movie at a theatre specialising in old B-movies, liked the style.


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