Reply to post: Re: So how didn't he get it?

Attention dunderheads: Taxpayers are NOT giving businesses £93bn


Re: So how didn't he get it?

There was a bit of back and forth on Tim's personal blog.

Don't think it's all there, but the start is. You want to ignore almost everyone except Tim himself and the chap going by 'Pellinor'. The rest is sheer blather.

As far as I can tell, this Farnsworth bloke is entirely ignorant of how the tax system actually works - he thinks capital allowances are paid in that amount to companies, rather than being deductible from profits before tax is paid on those profits, for example. He has no intention of listening when anyone tries to explain it to him. He's either malign, or enjoying the money/attention he's currently getting, or someone's useful idiot. I'd go with a combo of the last two: he's believed a bunch of myths because they fit his prejudices, and now he's getting fame for regurgitating them.

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