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We tried using Windows 10 for real work and ... oh, the horror

Fluffy Cactus

Here is my good advice to Microsoft - and gosh - it could be worth billions of lollards, I mean dollars to them:

When you first start up Windows 10, you give the user an actual choice, like so

1) Make it look and work like Win 7

2) Make it look and work like Win XP

3) Make it look like Win10, but only if that works and is compatible.

It should be fairly easy to build a user interface like that, because it's all more or less cosmetic, and

the great advantage for all the users who want to stick with Win 7 or XP, would be that they would not have to learn anything new.

For young people, this may sound lame and stupid, but the demographics show otherwise: There are now more aging babyboomers that buy a "cheap computer" (i.e. Windows) than there are young people that want something oh so cool, and oh so new. 30 years ago, and even 15 years ago, I had the interest, the time, the gumption to play around with a new computer, a new OS. Now, I don't have the time or the inclination to monkey around, and I also lost the kind of patience required to say to myself "Oh it's a new technology, and soon they are gonna iron out the bugs."

No, Microsoft, we have given you 30 years to learn how to do it right, to get it right from the start, and no, we don't wanna be your guinea pigs.

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