Reply to post: Re: Timely

Three things you need to break down those company silos


Re: Timely

So it looks like to me you have two issues then? Both will need dealing with desperately.

1. Their own devs who will see you as a threat so will always convince the users they (as in the devs) know more than you (and will also react far faster than you can to new requirements anyway as they are not tied up with as much bureaucracy)

2. Users who have yet to see why they should follow you as IT department trust is at an all time low.

I have been a customer of IT and also worked in IT so can understand both sides. communication, dialogue and repetitive incremental delivery are the only ways to get round this and this takes time.

If you keep talking to them and delivering they will trust you in about two years time. Unfortunately most IT people get bored and move on by then.

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