Reply to post: Re: OpenVPN's IPv6 support is severely lacking…

VPNs are so insecure you might as well wear a KICK ME sign

Orv Silver badge

Re: OpenVPN's IPv6 support is severely lacking…

That's essentially the problem, yeah. Most of the common solutions don't handle IPv6 well, or can't mix it with IPv4 traffic. For example, IPSEC can do IPv6 by design...but can't mix IPv6 and IPv4 on the same tunnel, making it useless in practice.

IPv6 also has a way of making a lot of easy problems hard. For example, any situation where you'd use static NAT in IPv4 -- e.g., machines behind a firewall -- requires a lot of head-scratching and possibly an additional routeable block of addresses in IPv6. Try explaining THAT to your ISP.

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