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Windows 10 Mobile is shaping up nicely – now Cortana can send emails


Yes, vocal and judgemental, because Windows Phone 7.x and 8.x couldn't do those things either, and there's been no word from Microsoft that the situation is going to change.

Do I expect an IRC client to use so much RAM that it can't run side by side with a web browser? Absolutely not. IRC clients have been run on computers for decades and I don't see why a modern phone client should be any more heavy than a modern desktop client. Given that my desktop IRC client uses at most a couple of 10s of MBs of RAM (including days and days worth of scrollback text) and next to no CPU time, even on a very low end device you couldn't expect that to impact greatly on the performance of the system as a whole, or any other lightweight apps which happen to be running at the same time. Even a browser should be able to coexist with that, be it IE, Edge or any other.

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