Reply to post: Re: was it really tested?

Boffins set networking record with marathon 12,000 km fiber data run


Re: was it really tested?

Yup - I was wondering that. 7,456 miles of production cable wound around the lab or even the whole campus sounds somewhat impactical. And possibly slightly expensive.

So, unless it was a bank of reels of the fibre equivalent of 44 swg copper wire I wonder how they got their results. We need to see this repeated in a real life installation somewhere - not necessarily 7,456 miles but long enough to prove the concept.

It also raises a somewhat off topic question in my mind. I know very little about fibre optic cables. I gather they are a plastics material. I'm wondering how long they last - and does the light causes degradation (eg yellowing or an increase in opacity of the fibre)? If this can / does happen will increasing optical power significantly shorten the effective life of the cable?

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