Reply to post: Re: Secure from the security services?

Mobe encryption guru Charles Brookson picks up OBE from the Queen


Re: Secure from the security services?

The general public might think that the security organs do not need to crack mobile phone encryption as they can listen straight off the switch.

Quite true. However, the network has to be provisioned so that what is required, snoop-wise is put into effect, and this leaves a growing trail that that becomes obvious to a surprisingly large number of people, even the ones who can barely tie their own shoe laces.

Understandably, some security agencies prefer just to listen and decrypt in real time, with or without trojan horse cells and "access" to the various networks own cells. This not only saves an unbelievable amount of admin, but also is much more secure. Some of the people who work in network security are weird enough to be automatic security risks.

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