Reply to post: Re: welcome to the old way of thinking

Bank of England CIO: ‘Beware of the cloud, beware of vendors’


Re: welcome to the old way of thinking

The answer is PaaS. Let someone else worry about the boring stuff, like the hardware, the backup, the power, the patch management, the security - all you want to worry about is your data - and it doesn't matter where it is, as long as nobody else has access to it in an unencrypted form. You do encrypt everything you do, don't you?

You would seriously be happy with a bank that, when their IT goes TITSUP, can only respond to you by saying, "Oh, it's not our problem, there's a third party provider dealing with it"?

Bearing in mind that the 3rd party company probably don't give a shit about the data, or the bank's users, but just the "boring stuff".

Accountability is the problem, SLA's have no real meaning, as any large cloud provider is not going to care if the Bank of England (or any other company) can't get at their data for 3 days, the penalties (if any) will never cover the real cost of an outage.

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