Reply to post: Re: (d) Don't need another one

MOUNTAIN of unsold retail PCs piling up in Blighty: Situation 'serious'

Terry 6 Silver badge

Re: (d) Don't need another one

It's always fun looking at the boxes in the big retailer (PCyouknowwho).

The model you might want is never there.

The prices are the same range as boxes you can buy from the smaller online companies, but with considerably poorer spec for the money.

The staff are so clueless about the devices that any selling they do has to be pure BS because they don't have the capacity to match the device to the customers' actual needs and are really there to try an upsell stuff the punters don't need. Dodgy AV bloatware, pro software, complicated wireless mice and so forth.*

So retail buyers have learned the hard way to steer clear and small business buyers have neither the cash, need nor the will to buy.

*Personal touch here. My late mother got persuaded by a particularly stupid crony to buy from PCCrooks. (To anyone out there who doesn't realise this -mothers will always trust their friend to tell them what to buy, rather than the son/daughter who might actually know something). And she came back with all of the above, and an extended warranty and a whole load of other useless crap.

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