Reply to post: Re: Just use Linux and be done with it!

Microsoft to Linux users: Explain yourself


Re: Just use Linux and be done with it!

>>"Relying exclusively on one company's technology has always been fraught with danger."

Weren't you the poster further up the thread demanding reasons why people should learn this and arguing that they should just stick with Linux?

>>They've decided to once again, re-invent the wheel and try to build their own monitoring system [...] Better integration of something like Nagios or other existing monitoring systems in Windows and Azure would have achieved the same goals

Well relying on one company's technology has always been fraught with danger. Besides, they can do things their own way by starting from scratch which may well work better. And this article is about them asking for what people would like. However, it is gratifying to see that you actually read my reply and now know that Nagios can be used with Windows rather than thinking it's an exclusively GNU/Linux tool and holding it up as an example of things you could do on GNU/Linux which you didn't think Windows had an equivalent for. You seem to have taken this new knowledge purely as a venicle to say that MS should be building on this rather than writing a new tool. Given that I use nagios and you don't, what is it makes you so confident that no-one can do a better job or shouldn't try?

>>"Instead, they went their own way, and wonder why the masses don't come running after them"

I don't think they do wonder that actually, since the new Powershell integration only released last month and this is primarily a call for feedback on what people would like to see. Or did you not read the article? Clearly a project is a failure if it hasn't turned the existing market on its head during the feature specification phase.

And Azure is doing very well, btw, climbing rapidly against the incumbent behemoth AWS, so it's doubly odd that you should be damming it for not being popular as this is just one feature of Azure being added.

>>"This was my point earlier, if they had gotten in 10 years ago, things may have been different, but they didn't, they're only starting now, and now is too late."

There's no such thing as "too big to fail", look at IBM if you need an example.

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