Reply to post: Re: Contradiction? @ chemist

Graphene sheaths could boost processor signal speeds by 30 per cent


Re: Contradiction? @ chemist

It would work that way if you consider the graphene not as a sheet of carbon, but two layers of hydrogen stabilised by a lattice of carbon + electron soup ( extremely simplified, of course).

To migrate to the silicon any copper atom would have to react with the H of the graphene first.. and there it stops, really. Given the purity of the environment, only direct synthesis would be possible, and while the gods of Quantum could pull a fast one and provide the energy, the local temperature would ensure any CuH formed would revert near-immedeately. ( reverse reaction "happens readily" at 20 K, let alone 20 C...)

Then there is the issue of inserting into/breaking the benzene-ring lattice itself. And the Si-facing layer of H in the sheet ( with even more ...impressive... energies in play..). Let's just say the odds are stacked against it.

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