Reply to post: Re: People you may know, or know of, or something

DON’T add me to your social network, I have NO IDEA who you are


Re: People you may know, or know of, or something

But if you're being absent minded, it can look like you're just logging in to LinkedIn.

Happened to me - given that my email address was my linked-in login, I just thought it had timed-out my cookie, so dumbly typed in my password. Fortunately my LinkedIn password and email password are different, so after trying the LinkedIn password several times and getting refused I actually re-read the blurb and discovered the scam.

It's a bit like those download sights where the 'download crap' button is big than the teeny-tiny link to download the thing you came for. Or the '10 things you wish you...' sites where the real next button looks less like a next button than the 'click here to see another list of crap from our sponsors' button.

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