Reply to post: Re: I'll get downvoted but whatever

'Lemme tell you about my trouble with girls ...' Er, please don't, bro-ffin

John Riddoch

Re: I'll get downvoted but whatever

There may be a grain of truth in the middle of all that, but he said "when you criticise them, they cry". While it may be true that women are more prone to crying under criticism, to play it as a sweeping generalisation disrespects the countless female scientists who accept valid criticism. It could also be that he's such a jerk about how he gives criticism to his female coworkers, the natural reaction is simply cry.

As for the comments about falling in love, that's possible in many workplaces, although I guess the nature of lab work (working closely in smaller groups on a project) may make it more likely for scientists. In any case, it's all down to how you react to it and remaining professional.

All in all, I thought his comments said more about him and his attitudes than it did about women in labs.

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