Reply to post: @Oddlegs

Don't panic. Stupid smart meters are still 50 years away

Eddy Ito


We already have these in SoCal. You can go to Edison's website, create an account for an address and view your usage history. You'll soon notice certain daily patterns when the electrical usage spikes and they helpfully have the temperature of each day so you can see the spike from the air conditioning. You can also make arrangements to have the power turned on or off. You can pay the bill right there online. It's all very convenient. They even allow multiple accounts for a given address so your spouse could check it as well. Unfortunately a nefarious person might be able to use this information to determine when nobody is at home and decide a visit regarding acquisitions is in order. Likewise I'm sure it comforts the FBI to have a good estimate of how much time they have to plant evidence lawfully execute some sort of warrant on the property. All your electrical usage down to the hour online, what could go wrong?

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