Reply to post: Re: Get a life

EU: Explain your tax affairs. Google, Amazon, Facebook: Mmm... nah

John Crisp

Re: Get a life

"So perhaps the disenchantment in Britain stems from the fact that we're not allowed to engage in any democratically meaningful way."

You forget that the it is the goverment WE elect (for better or worse) that appoints and dictates to the officials that set policy. So you do have a some influence. Regrettably nowhere near enough because the politicians want you to be worried about the health service or whatever. Smoke ans mirrors.

Yes, the problem with Europe is there is no democracy but that is because goverments will not cede their authority to the democratically (and proportionally represented) EU Parliament.

If people could overcome their xenophobia and understand the best way to run Europe is via the democratically elected parliament life might be a tad easier. The current system is a mess. But the voters get swayed by emotive (and largely irrelevant) subjects like immigration so they don't see the objective issues like democracy.

And I can't see national politicians wanting to give up the power they spent years climbing greasy poles to achieve.....

This is not about what is best for you, me, or the nation. Purely what is best for your politicians.

Waiting for the downvotes of UKIP supporters....

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