Reply to post: Re: Your wish is granted.

Remake, remodel: Toshiba Chromebook 2

Neil Barnes Silver badge

Re: Your wish is granted.

Er, because Chrome OS doesn't provide the facilities I want?

I want a linux-of-my-choice running on that hardware, as the only OS. It's not impossible (else Chrome OS wouldn't work) but I don't yet know how to do it and apparently neither does anyone else.

I want to access my local servers; I want to access my local printer; I want to be able to work with the system off-line; I want local storage (not any great amount) and I want to be have full control over what the beast is doing.

Chrome OS does not fit *my* use-cases, for exactly the same reasons that a tablet computer is no use to me and why I don't bother with internet access on a smart-phone. I am not a 'consumer' of internet resources to any great extent.

What is missing so far is a way to boot a vanilla image (grub and its ilk appear not to work), and probably a couple of drivers.

But as I said - the machine itself is *excellent*. It's just got the wrong OS on it.

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