Reply to post: Re: Exposing software flaws for profit

The weapons pact threatening IT security research

Ben Tasker

Re: Exposing software flaws for profit

> some standardized form of compensation which should not constitute win the lottery

Given that the standardised amount probably won't be much, the low hanging fruit will get picked up on, and no-one will spend the time digging into the less easy to find, but still potentially critical stuff.

I'm not advocating selling flaws, but a standardised compensation level will just be exploited by the major industry players with no real benefit to the rest of us.

> Anyone choosing to blackmail by not disclosing the software defect for the set financial compensation

> should do serious prison time.

Only if the fuckers who missed it because they wanted to save some money in the QA department face a similar threat, which whilst potentially appealing is just as stupid. First they fuck up and get millions of machines pawned, and then the taxpayer pays their cost of living for 'serious time'?

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