Reply to post: Re: So what's new?

Forget black helicopters, FBI flying surveillance Cessnas over US cities. Warrant? What's that?

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Re: So what's new?

You're absolutely wrong. Monitoring who is attending public protests or gatherings to discuss lawful change in government absolutely is suppressing them. Governments in the US do monstrous things on a whim. That's when innocent people aren't being gunned down, tased or worse.

The people in the United States have every right to fear for everything they have, from a job to material goods to their very lives if they are identified as being part of a group that someone in power doesn't like. Engaging in activities that are dedicated to tracking who is participating in anti-establishment activities absolutely is supression of those activities.

And don't get me started on bullshit tactics like kettling, or the insanity of Bill C-51 here in Canada.

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