Reply to post: Re: "The warm output water can then be used in other parts of the business..."

Your servers are underwater? Chill out – liquid's cool

Andy The Hat Silver badge

Re: "The warm output water can then be used in other parts of the business..."

Warm oil baths are good for the skin, apparently, so why not have a beauty salon on site and charge fat, rich people extortionate fees to luxuriate in blade induced warmth - "an ultra high frequency digital toning treatment using futuristic heat pumposoidal techniques and plasmondo-rich liquid drenching"? Warming the treatment rooms, plus washing and drying laundry using the heat exchangers all saves cash ... got a feeling I can make more money out of de-ugly therapy than the data centre itself!

How much does it cost to strain fat people out of plasmondo oil?

BTW 'plasmondo' is my trademark which I invented just now for a super beauty product that does magic stuff if you soak bodies in it and, by sheer coincidence, is an inert liquid cooling product sold under another name at one third the price by 3M ...

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