Reply to post: Re: Northolt Station Flight and more, the UK is doing this too... @ Forgetful person

Forget black helicopters, FBI flying surveillance Cessnas over US cities. Warrant? What's that?

Intractable Potsherd

Re: Northolt Station Flight and more, the UK is doing this too... @ Forgetful person

"my life just isn't that interesting to interest anyone else". You missed the correct modifiers, which are a) "yet", and/or b) " as far as I know". You actually have no idea what your data-shadow has suggested to people who are trawling this stuff. Are you *absolutely* sure that your friends, their friends, those neighbours you know exist only because the car goes in and out of the drive regularly, or the woman in the corner petrol station you frequent aren't people of interest? What about the colleague you only ever speak to on the phone/by email?* If they are, then you might be. That is why sensible people are afraid.

*This is not an exhaustive list, and the specifics are for illustration only.

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