Reply to post: Re: More getting ready for unknown things

'The Internet of Things is like the Cloud 8 years ago' ... Boss of Dell's new IoT biz spills beans

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: More getting ready for unknown things

"Very useful when you get back to the hotel late at night after a long day and can't get into your room because your phone died."

Didn't you get the memo? Smartphones are soon going to be a one stop shop for just about every service and activity you could possibly do! Banking, shopping, taxis, transport, doors, driving your car, feeding the cat, etc etc because smartphones are like so totally hip and kool. Or something.

Which I'm sure is all great for the kids - except as you say if your phone has died or been stolen or you've broken it or lost it or left it in your jacket in the office or you've forgotten the password or its been hacked and so on. Because unfortunately these hipster marketing types don't seem to understand the meaning of the phrases "backup plan" and "if it ain't broke...".

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