Reply to post: Asimov on Genesis

Hardcore creationist finds 60-million-year-old fossils in backyard ... 'No, it hasn’t changed my mind about the Bible'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Asimov on Genesis

Isaac Asimov wrote an excellent commentary on Genesis, including pointing out that there are at least two creation myths mixed up in there, and the dubious translation of the word.

My personal take on it all is that

(a) the Bible is a book whose compnents were created by humans of varying intelligence, honesty sanity, gullibility, and political intent etc which was then collated and edited by more humans with all the same failings, and has been retranslated by further humans with all the same failings. All the Abrahamic religions point out the fallibility of humans, so it seems very strange that they should then claim that this poorly collated and edited creation of humans is the very word of God. It isn't. It's the interpretation of a large number of humans that's been poorly collated and edited about matters relating to what those same individuals perceived as having to do with god.

(b) Creationists are demonstrably not Christians, they are blasphemers and unbelievers, by their own logic. They believe that God is omnipotent , and yet refuse to believe that God is capable of creating a universe in which the Big Bang and evolution can happen. They actually dare to put limits upon God, which is blasphemy, prefering instead to put their faith in a badly written book (see (a) above) created by humans, rather than trying to get to know God better by carefully inspecting Gods works (the universe around them) and trying to puzzle out how it all works, and what it all means.

They are, in essence, deifying the Bible, which is on a par with deifying a statue; the fact that it has words in it makes no difference, they are both creations of man, and thus imperfect; and so they blaspheme again.

What bothers me is that any civilised society would allow Creationists any say in eductaion given that they clearly don't understand logic enough to see the contradictions in their own claims.

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