Reply to post: Re: I'd love to have smart heating...

Why voice and apps sometimes don't beat an old-fashioned knob

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: I'd love to have smart heating...

"Other days, they’ll feel hot, so they set the thermostat to 16°"

People treat thermostats as a "volume" knob and reason that the further they turn it, the faster the temperature will change. No amount of telling them otherwise will convince 'em.

Under "normal" circumstances it would be a good idea to only allow a 1 degree change per minute, but if it's a knob people will break it and if it's a button they'll smash it.

On the other hand, when my "smart" thermostat is set to 5C (daytime, noone's home normally so the heating's effectively off) and I want to set it to 17C, I don't want to wait 10 minutes to achieve that setting.

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