Reply to post: Re: The Nightmare

Creationist: The Flintstones was an accurate portrayal of Dino-human coexistence

Allan George Dyer

Re: The Nightmare

@Charles 9 - Taken to the extreme, this omnipotent God has created everything, including my current thoughts, and memories of my past joy and pain, and so already knows the result of the trials inflicted on me. Backing off from that a bit, this omnipotent God created a parasitic worm that made many generations of children blind, presumably so that, once we developed modern medicine, some doctors would have the opportunity to create a cure, don't worry about all those suffering children of earlier generations. Whichever way you look at it, this God created a lot of suffering; couldn't this omnipotent God have thought up some better way? This God is an omnipotent sadist, and certainly not the kind of intelligence we should revere or worship.

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