Reply to post: Re: ICANN still not to be trusted

Let it go, let it go: How global DNS could survive in the frozen lands outside US control

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: ICANN still not to be trusted

I'm pretty sure that's the whole point. An (empty and transparent) little ruse by the puppeteer to distance itself from its puppet... slightly... maybe... enough to pretend something's changed while continuing exactly as before...

The problem: The rest of the world is sick of the US (mis)managing their internet...and is finally starting to achieve momentum for fixing that.

The soloutionoid: Contrive a corporate-establishment bureaucratic bastard autocracy form hell, saddle it with a binding constitutionesque vast tome of mind-numbing quasilegalese, then cast it off into the independence* of California "law". Thereafter, just stand back and say "Look! No hands!" and "Nothing to do with us - it's independent now" and suchlike while you go on fucking up the intewebs via your stupid sockpuppet act.


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