Reply to post: So is Sir Snowden benighted?

'The Google execs, the journalists, plus Brit and US spybosses in a cosy mansion confab'


So is Sir Snowden benighted?

Understanding that term is more used for the Lord of Darkness.

Since Mr. Ed Snowden has done more to promote openness and sharing and general bonhomie, can't we let him enjoy the freedom that is awaiting him? I'm sure all of the 5-Eyes group have festival cruises planned for him. Perhaps the Ecuadorian gent from Australia wanted by Sweden and holed up in Her Majesty's Kingdom would like to join.

Come on people - there are some real criminals out there that need to pay the price for their crimes. And I'm thinking of LIBOR, FOREX, IRAQ, banksters, crooksters. Can we have a discussion about how to dispose of these crooks?

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