Reply to post: Re: Internet of Thing

Apple announces 'Home' iOS 9 app to run the Internet of Stuff

Lee D Silver badge

Re: Internet of Thing

Controlable lightbulbs etc. are a damn waste of time

But the "IoT" fad is really annoying given that my car GPS tracker is online, my CCTV is online, my entertainment is all online, even the garden gate is online. It's not hard to find burglar alarms that are online.

This stuff's been around for decades. Just no pillock ever wanted to control their lightbulb from the other side of the world (definitely having Big Bang Theory flashbacks here) and shout about it before. But I've seen industrial boiler controls with modems on them, and all sorts. Why do we have to have a name for a fad that's been around for decades in much more useful forms. Hell, I still have a phone-line -> serial controller somewhere that I got out of a box of 80's-era junk from a previous workplace, and I was wiring DTMF (and even ringer) -controlled phone circuits up when I was a teenager.

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