Reply to post: Re: What is unbelievable..

'Logjam' crypto bug could be how the NSA cracked VPNs


Re: What is unbelievable..

"They're still pushing for weakenned security because they believe they are in the right , they are justified, they are the white knight protecting us ,and they have absolutly no intention of stopping."

Regardless of motivation, it's also a low-cost option with high payout for a big gubmint agency to pursue legal / regulatory courses of defeating encryption.

1) They have legal staff that will either bill equally for sitting around checking Facebook or for trying to convince the relevant legislature to change the law.

2) There's little social cost to individuals - managers or lawyers - in a large agency for pushing an unpopular law. People generally rage at acronyms, not the people behind them. (You read, "The NSA is such a meanie!" not "Sub-Director 3rd Grade Bob Jones' initiative to hinder superior encryption offends me.")

3) Lawyers are a fiscally sound option: a small army of them is still cheaper than a new code-cracking supercomputer.

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