Reply to post: Re: Just ONE MORE scumbag running a company.

Why does Uber keep its drivers' pay so low? Ex-CFO: 'Cos we can'

Tom Maddox Silver badge

Re: Just ONE MORE scumbag running a company.

While I don't condone Uber taking advantage of the drivers, you're living in a fantasy world if you think you're somehow better off or personally safer with cab drivers. To the contrary, at least taking an Uber, the Uber app is tracking your location, so you have evidence in the event that an Uber driver takes you off to some secluded location to have his way with you.

This is purely anecdotal evidence, of course, but virtually every Uber experience I've had has been more pleasant than taking a conventional taxi would have been. If nothing else, Uber is putting pressure on the taxi companies and regulators to provide a better experience for consumers.

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