Reply to post: Re: "shy tory"

Lies, damn lies and election polls: Why GE2015 pundits fluffed the numbers so badly

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "shy tory"

I dunno about that. I thought Labour had lost the fight before the election, the minute I heard Milliband rule out any possibility of an alliance with the SNP. I didn;t expect the SNP would do as well as they did, but the referendum on Scottish devolution showed that the SNP was clearly making ground. So, with Labour having rejected any alliance with an obvious natural ally, and the polls all predicting no overall majority, that hands the election lock, stock and barrel to the Tories. Or so it seemed to me. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those 'shy' Tories mightn't have been undecideds that simply decided here was no longer any point voting Labour after Milliband shot himself in the vote re the SNP.

For myself - a pox on party politics. And the jerrymandering that's taken place over the last 40 years. Next election I'm voting for the individual I feel is nearest my ideal of (a) being an honourable person and (b) that I think will do best for the area that I live in. And if there aren't any I think sufficiently trustable, then for the first time in my adult life, I simply won't vote.

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