Reply to post: DRM in open source couldn't work?

That DRM support in Firefox you never asked for? It's here


DRM in open source couldn't work?

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the Adobe DRM module is essentially a black box that takes encrypted data in one end and spits out an unencrypted video stream from the other, and the reason it's a black box is so that it can't be reverse-engineered, right?

Okay, what about the bit of the system that takes the unencrypted stream and displays it? Isn't that part of the system open source? What's to prevent an enterprising coder writing a module that intercepts the video stream after decryption and spooling it to disc instead of displaying it?

Have I missed something here? Because to me it seems that aside from all the other arguments against DRM that it would simply be useless in this context.

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