Reply to post: Re: Evidence == "Invasion of Privacy!"

SHOCK! Robot cars do CRASH. Because other cars have human drivers

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Evidence == "Invasion of Privacy!"

"And that's a perfectly reasonable stance to take when there are millions of people walking the streets of various towns and cities and maybe a few people talking photos which may or may not happen to include you. But when it's every car driving past you, possibly uploading the imagery to the Borg cloud in full HD colour it might be time to revisit the law. After all, you may not have an expectation of privacy in public but you also don't have an expectation of being filmed everywhere you go as soon as you step out of the front door. "Expectation" implies a balance of some sort."

No implication. It's simply you can't expect to control the part of the world that isn't yours. How do you think things worked back in the village days when everyone knew what everyone else was doing?

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