Reply to post: Re: Be Careful what you wish for.@SolidSquid

Scot Nationalists' march on Westminster may be GOOD for UK IT


Re: Be Careful what you wish for.@SolidSquid

"And, in fairness, the toxic vitriol against the English during the referendum was unacceptable and has eroded the goodwill that would be required from England."

It was entirely unacceptable. And it was also by a very small minority. The rest of us got on with our days, and on referendum day turned up, voted, and went to work quietly. I didn't want to hear the big "YES" party going on in The Meadows in Edinburgh - it was distracting me whilst I was trying to get stuff done. I also didn't want high-profile campaigners on either side to be subject to some of the hatred that arose (whatever you think of JK Rowling, for example, there was no excuse for some of the crap hurled her way).

Some of us up here in Scotland were pointing out throughout that the YES campaign's plans seemed to rely a lot on the goodwill of England (in particular), which may not be forthcoming given the expense that would be incurred if we dropped out of the Union.

So I'm not surprised that many in England are bored of it, or repelled by the nastiness. Still, two points to be made here:

1) Unlike some muppet's suggestion above, there are about 5.5 million people in Scotland. Not 3 million.

2) If we did leave the Union we wouldn't be subjected to nineteen-sixty-fucking-six football pish *every* *fucking* *four* *years*. You think England's bored of Scotland going on about something?...

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