Reply to post: Re: Hmmm

So what would the economic effect of leaving the EU be?

Chris Miller

Re: Hmmm

Why do eurofanatics always feel compelled to adopt such a sneering, superior tone and refer to anyone who disagrees about the virtues of the EU as a "little englander (sic)"? FWIW I've worked in 15 EU countries, speak fluent French and can get by in a few other languages and manage "hello" and "thank you" in most of them (even Hungarian :). I imagine Tim could say the same, or even more so.

I'm sure there are quite a few racists and fruitcakes who are members of UKIP, just as there are in Labour and the SNP and practically every political party. But it would do your cause a lot more good if you could achieve a rational argument, rather than resort to name-calling.

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