Reply to post: Re: I read somewhere...

Facebook echo chamber: Or, the British media and the election

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: I read somewhere...

Why not just revert to votes only for property owning males, or just be done with it and let king Chuck the first rule by Royal Decree?

But of course 'benefits' only go to feckless scroungers, and none goes to rich pensioners, hard working families on minimum wage, the disabled, the injured, or the people who might have worked hard at a company for years, but been careless enough not to stash a million a year in an off shore bank account before the firm moves production to China, and find themselves in between jobs. But sod them, cos I'm all right Jack. Meanwhile lets privatise something else! Look at the shiny cash! Ignore the fact that money that went in wages to workers in this country is now going to Tristram's daddy's shell company in Bermuda, while we pick up the unemployment bill. The cash is shiny! have some shiny money and buy your house off the housing association? Oh house prices went up by more than the shiny money I gave you? - looks like you must be feckless - Bloke I know down the golf club started with nothing, I mean his mother was a duchess, and pa worked for Rothschilds, but he had no real money, and now he owns 200 properties. He was saying he mostly rents to Poles because they pay on time and leave the place clean. He doesn't do housing benefit people any more. Basically the feckless Brits don't want to work. My sister wanted to hire a nanny to look after the kids while she's at the gym, and she just couldn't find anyone prepared to do a few hours, cash in hand even - and they live in a really nice village, but people would rather stay at home on benefits rather than just get on a bus - I mean how much is a bus from the estate, 20 p, 30 p. You know I can't remember when I last got a bus - must have been Freddies' stag do in Prague , after we got that bonus for selling that factory to the guys from Korea.

And remember - we are the richest, most successful, country in Western Europe, but we can't afford it! Any of it. Because we are broke totally broke, Oh, is it my round? I didn't bring my wallet, sorry. Anyway bit skint, splashed out on this chalet when we were in Verbier, a real steal, but you know how the Swiss Franc's gone. It's in a little place along the mountain - totally unspoiled, and not full of parvenu expats like so much of Switzerland these days,

anyway Cheers - 5 more years.!!!

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