Reply to post: Re: When did DLL Hell come back then?

F*cking DLL! Avast false positive trashes Windows code libraries

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: When did DLL Hell come back then?

One of us is misunderstanding. May be me. Would welcome clarification.

Application A requires DLL P version 1

Application B requires DLL P version 2

Don't give a monkeys about .NET one way or the other, not immediately relevant.

"it is probably not at all wise to have more than one library attempting to do the same thing at the same time."

Absolutely correct. That'd lead to DLL Hell. Lots of folk have been there seen that.

That's why (aiui) SxS came into being - a workaround so that multiple independent applications can each have their own independent copies of (versions of) the DLLs they need, without treading on each others toes.

SxS is what allows/allowed this to happen, on the same system, at the same time?

Allegedly this describes how it works:

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