Reply to post: Re: "Cold starting an airliner is a long-drawn out process."

Boeing 787 software bug can shut down planes' generators IN FLIGHT

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: "Cold starting an airliner is a long-drawn out process."

In every other industry, power cycling software is known to be a good thing

Well yes and no, having worked on safety critical systems in the past, one of the challenges was the system was expected to be up and running for the full duration of it's operational life: 20 plus years! However, due to power outages, I doubt any of the systems we actually deployed into the field actually lasted more than a few years without getting an unplanned hard reset. Given the absence of press reports over the last 30 years, whatever faults these systems may have had, I can be reasonable sure that no lives were endangered or lost as a result of system failure...

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