Reply to post: Re: Why Hyper-V is a non-starter in all situations

If hypervisor is commodity, why is VMware still on top?


Re: Why Hyper-V is a non-starter in all situations

(VMware Site, just starting to look at HyperV)

Usual FUD around Hyper-V then - Hyper-V shares it's architecture model with Xen I believe - i.e. it's a Microkernel with the drivers in a privileged Virtual Machine (Domain 0 in Xen terms). HyperV "free" includes a limited number of services - Firewall, Management bits, etc. which run in this VM.

ESXi bundles all its services into one system - so drivers, firewalls, management bits, etc.

Patch management is required for both systems, and ESXi has been broken on more than one occasion by patches. However, the Patch Tuesday patches so far appear not to apply to Hyper-V - others may confirm this, but my test box hasn't been touched for 4 months so far.

So I see ESXi and HyperV on a par nowadays - they just work - the management tools (SCVMM vs vCenter) is a different story

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