Reply to post: Re: AC AC AC @Matt Bryant

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: AC AC AC @Matt Bryant

@Matt - you are going for the bellend award here, aren't you? You've got my vote.

As I said, you and your mate(s) might have called 14 Int Squint/Sroo or even "love bunny" for all I know. All you are saying is that you can call them that because someone, somewhere, might have given them that nick name. #fail

I keep pointing out that you've confused nicknames that were common for different units. It kind of points to your knowledge of the era/region being a bit, erm, "booklearned" more than anything else. Its like saying people call the RE scaleys. I dont doubt that someone, somewhere might have called them that but it isnt normal, it isnt common and if you speak to 99% of people in the army they will assume you are talking about RSigs.

Seriously though, its ok. If you and your mate(s) want to call 14 Int something else, you can. Just dont expect anyone else to agree with you.

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