Reply to post: Re: Economics 101

UN: E-waste's 42 million tonnes represents 'valuable' (and ‘toxic’) urban mine

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Economics 101

"Therefore we got over the hurdle and ended up with a well functioning and financially viable capability for domestic recycling."

Ah yes, financially viable. I remember that, before the China-led super cycle came to an end, and the price of commodities and oil dropped through the floor. Now the plastic recyclers are all in trouble, along with scrap dealers, but the rules are set to continue to mandate this "valuable" recycling.

But why? The materials came out of the earth, if it is not inherently economic to recycle them without the "assistance" of lawmakers, why bother? In a modern landfill electrical waste is less of a problem than many naturally occurring minerals. If industry want to recycle things fine, but recycling for recycling's sake is more expensive for no obvious benefit.

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