Reply to post: Windows Phone seems to be changing in all the ways I don't want.

Ex-Windows designer: Ballmer was dogmatic, Sinofsky's bonkers, and WinPho needs to change


Windows Phone seems to be changing in all the ways I don't want.

Most important feature for me is basic browsing and the fact that I don't have to bother about battery life for most common situations. (Seeing people at the weekend mainly) and that it is not becoming slower and slower all the time. WP7 works well as it is. (WP8.1 seems to copy the annoying bits of Android).

Don't want the situation I have with my Android tablet where Google wastes all my battery and there is nothing than can be done about other than losing the ability to use Google's apps. (And making it dog slow in the process).

At least my Kindle Fire HDX / Ipad Air are not significantly worse than when I got them.

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