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Australia finds $1 BEELLION to replace No-SQL DATABASE

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Not this then?

I can't tell if that's a sincere question (and, y'know, as a badge holder you could have used an actual link rather than just pasting the URL as plain text). But no, the system in question uses Model 204, a DBMS from the late 60s or early 70s (depending on whether you date it from the research or commercial implementations).

Among its claims to fame is, of course, its age - it's contemporaneous with IMS (IBM's hierarchical DBMS1) and a little older than INGRES (the first commercial RDBMS) and System R (the first SQL-using RDBMS). Beyond that, it offered extremely high performance on 1970s hardware, thanks to its use of bitmapped indices; starting in the '80s it also offered hybrid B-tree indexing. Presumably it's still fast on relatively low-powered hardware but typically hardware performance growth has outpaced data growth for Model 204-based applications.

I've seen a few queries about Model 204 migrations from customers over the years. The main obstacle is the proprietary syntax, which means rewriting the data-access portions of the application; and these applications are rarely well-partitioned into data-access and business-logic layers. (Often they couldn't be, given the constraints of their original platforms.)

I played around a bit with Database Programmer's Toolkit, a free Windows implementation of Model 204. Doesn't seem to be around any more.

1IMS is more than just a DBMS, of course, but let's not muddy the waters.

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